Tuesday, 31 December 2013

PPC Excel Tips For Every Level: Part 2, Faster Campaign Analysis For Intermediates

Today we have more handy Excel tricks from Bing Ads Evangelist John Gagnon. This second installment of PPC Excel tips focuses on intermediate level techniques for speeding up campaign analysis. Paid search managers will benefit, but really anyone using Excel for data analysis will find good information or a helpful refresher here.
Intermediate Tip: Get more out of Pivot Tables with calculated fields and by fixing #DIV/0 errors.
Pivot tables are truly a must-have Excel skill for marketers. If you haven’t used pivot tables yet, don’t be timid. You can’t damage your data set when working with pivot tables because they simply aggregate the data you are working with in a separate area, typically in a separate sheet. For more on getting into pivot tables read this earlier post from Annie Cushing.
Calculated Fields: For those with pivot table experience, you know that once data such as impressions, clicks, spend are aggregated, you still need to calculate metrics like CPA and CTR as you do with regular campaign exports. In other words, you can’t Sum cost/conversion or click-through data, you have to calculate them from the aggregated cost, click and impression data. This is what Calculated Fields do for you with just a little set up work. I have to admit, for years I calculated these metrics in cells outside of pivot tables not knowing about the magic of calculated fields.
A great thing about calculated fields is the data columns you want to use in your formula do not have to be included in your current pivot table. For example, in the demo below, John shows how to calculate CPA to find the total cost per conversion, but only spend is included in his pivot table, not cost/conversion.
One note, your calculated fields can’t use duplicate names from fields already in your data set. Thus the “CPA” field name in this example.
The calculated field will append a new column to the right in your pivot table. You can then sort and filter based on this new column.
Fixing #DIV/0 Errors: Whether you’re using calculated fields or not, if you divide a number by zero in Excel it returns the dreaded #DIV/0! error. This can obviously skew your analysis if you’re looking at CPA data.
“If you ignore the error, you’re missing out on valuable information — a keyword can spend thousands and still not convert a single time,” says John.
The solution: Use the IFERROR() formula in the calculated field to return “spend” or “cost” when there are 0 conversions. Open the Calculated Fields dialog again, go to the CPA field in the Name dropdown, and change the formula to: =IFERROR(Spend/Conversions,Spend)
Excel Tips IFERROR Calculated Field To Fix #DIV/0 Errors
John is using the 2013 version of Excel. If you’re using Excel 2010, you’ll find calculated fields under the Options tab in PivotTable Tools.
Qxcel tips pivot table calculated fieldsIFERROR can be used outside of calculated fields as well. It’s a good function for marketers to know, particularly for cost analysis. The logic of the formula basically says, if the calculation returns an error (#DIV/0! in this case) then return X, and X can be your total spend, or it can be a specific number or even text. Essentially, you can customize what the formula returns by putting what you want after that comma in the formula.
If you have any pivot table questions or tips you’d like to share, please do so in the comments below. Stay tuned tomorrow for the last segment in this series when John shares some advanced level Excel tips for PPC marketers. And be sure to check outPPC Excel Tips For Every Level: Part 1, Huge Time Savers For Beginners (And Beyond)

Monday, 30 December 2013

Reduce Bounce Rate: 20 Things to Consider

Bounce rate is one of those quality metrics that gets tossed around a lot in the search engine space. People are almost always talking about absolutes in terms of "this is how XYZ will reduce your bounce rate," and so on.
I don’t subscribe to this school of thought; bounce rates need to be looked at subjectively.
While there are some general best practices, for the most part certain activities prescribed as absolute can both hurt and help websites.
Hence the title of this post. I don’t want to stand on my bounce rate soapbox and preach to you that everything in this post is going to help you, so I’m approaching this from a more realistic standpoint; the items on this list are worth thinking about, and probably trying – but this isn't some magic wand from the land of unicorns and bounce rates under 5 percent.
A high bounce rate can be indicative of a number of things but usually falls into one of two categories:
  1. You're acquiring the wrong kind of traffic to your page(s), or
  2. You're acquiring exactly the right kind of traffic to your page(s).
Did number 2 throw you for a loop? Most people forget about the second scenario, since most websites tend to fall victim to the first.
But think about this for a second: if a user comes into your site and finds exactly what they were looking for; an answer to their question or solution to their problem, why should they stay a moment longer or look around on other pages?
Websites that are excellent at solving information problems quickly often have high bounce rates, for example here is a website that is designed to rank for question queries, offering specific and succinct answers:
Users come in, get the answers they need, and leave; but come back often.

On the Flipside

You have websites where it is critical to get your visitors to stick. You want them to spend time clicking around the site, perusing content, and build toward a conversion.
In these instances high bounce rates are a conversion killer, and anything you can do to increase the time on site and number of pageviews will most likely directly correlate to your site’s success and your bottom line.
Before we can approach improving something, it is important to make sure you have a firm grasp on what it is.
Bounce rate is often confused with exit rate, and the difference is important; bounce rate is a measure of people who bounced off a single page (i.e., they did not visit any other pages within your website), whereas exit rate is simply a measure of the percentage of visitors who left your site from that page.

Why It’s Important to Reduce Your Bounce Rate

Reducing the bounce rate on pages that have the highest volume of traffic from your highest converting sources means more engaged visitors and a greater chance of conversion.
What follows is a list of 20 considerations for reducing your bounce rate. These are by no means absolutes and are relative to everyone’s unique value propositions and audience, but generally speaking, these are worth thinking about.

1. You Should Probably Avoid Pop-ups

Pop-up ads annoy people. In some rare cases they offer something worth the roadblock, but usually they disrupt the user experience.

2. Use Intuitive Navigation for Important Items

Don’t make your visitors feel dumb (or think you’re dumb) for not providing them with clear and obvious paths to get the content they may be looking for.
The most common reaction to not being able to find something that should be obvious is frustration – and if you’ve ever been on a web page where you can’t figure out how or where to navigate, this is exactly how you feel.
Heatmaps are a great way to gain visibility into where user’s might be trying to click, giving you insight into what should be clickable. A great tool for this is Crazy Egg.

3. Poor Design is Increasingly Less Tolerable

I’m not just talking about gradients and drop shadows; design now transcends the whole user experience. Your content needs to be attractive; both in terms of graphical treatments and readability.
Design for your target audience, which may not necessarily be the audience you already have, or at least not the majority of it. Design has become a legitimacy signal and the lack thereof can directly impact visitors (and prospects) perceptions of the quality of your business and services.

4. Speed

This pretty much goes without saying these days but nothing really effects bounce rate like having a web page that takes 10 seconds to load.
Not only is this a confirmed ranking factor and lends directly to user experience, but it can cause your follower reach to stall, negatively impact your search rankings, and destroy your conversion rate.

5. Is Your Website Mobile Usable

I realize that is far from proper English, but I feel it makes my point. Being mobile friendly is ideal, but being mobile usable is critical.
Websites can still be effective as long as content can be accessed and used from a mobile device or tablet.
Furthermore, mobile usability does not necessarily mean from a design compatibility and accessibility standpoint, in many cases it means is the language on your site simple and clear enough that people on the go (on mobile devices) can still make sense of what they need to do to find information and at the very least contact you if necessary.

6. Design Information Around Priorities

This comes back to the last consideration, are your target conversion or content points clearly presented on your pages? Can users immediately get a sense of what they should expect to find or are expected to do while on the page?
Websites tends to have two paths to conversion:
  • Landing pages (short direct sales path)
  • A conversion funnel (longer process of qualifying visitors through a collection of pages that drive toward conversion)
Are you effectively managing the expectations of your visitors? A good litmus test for this is if you are able to trigger your primary page conversions more than 20 percent of the time.

7. Segment Information

This is another perspective on creating content that is designed to be digested and consumed. Readability is important here but so is the idea of grouping content into segments or categories – this is most often seen in blog posts where header tags are used to break apart large walls of text.

8. Optimize For Intent

This is a more detailed take on information design, and ensuring that based on the keywords your visitors are using to get to your pages, you are serving them an experience that address their expectations.
This is often talked about in paid search and display advertising, where the highest bounce rates are created from advertisers not closing the loop between the ad copy and the landing page copy and design. The experience needs to be consistent from start to finish or you risk breaking the user’s intent loop.

9. Be Mindful of Ad Placement

This is still a bit of a new idea (especially to advertisers) but if possible avoid the standard ad units. Not only have web users developed ad blindness but Google has also started penalizing pages that have too many ad units above the fold, and hint: they are looking for standard ad unit sizes.
Furthermore, from a publisher perspective, I can understand it's great to squeeze an extra handful of impressions in per pageview, but if you look at some of the high performing niche ad networks, you will notice there publisher websites have a general lack of intrusive ads.

10. Lazy Load Third Party Content

Lazy loading, in case you’re unfamiliar, is a design pattern process for deferring the loading of objects until they are needed. Mashable is a fantastic example of this in action, notice how their pages load almost instantly and then new content is loaded as it is needed (as your scroll position advances toward those pixels).
This is done both for speed and user experience, and can be specified programmatically on a component by component basis.

11. Color Contrast

Readers need contrast. Contrast between colors can make a dull story into an exciting one and conversely can turn the most exciting content in the world into a palette of indiscernible whites and grays if not given proper consideration.
Contrast is important to consider as the web moves faster towards different mediums of content, with more and more happening on the pages, it is important to use colors and patterns to draw your reader's eyes toward the important parts of the page.

12. Messaging is Blatantly Obvious

This is another consideration when it comes to focus and attention. Remember you only have a few seconds to translate value to a new visitor, so don’t make them guess.
Taglines are a great way to quickly translate purpose, but if you don’t have one another simple way is to place your site’s purpose in plain text in an obvious place (like the header or the top of the sidebar). If you sell something, say that.

13. Cut Out Distractions

I wish I could say this goes without saying, but I still run into website on a weekly basis that autoplay audio and video. These are distractions and intrusions that aren't expected and break the experience.
Cutting out distractions not only leads to better bounce rates, but usually dramatically increases your conversion rates.

14. Offer Related Content Based on Personas

If you don’t offer related content on your pages, or intuitive navigation (hopefully with some sort of hook or teaser) then you're missing out on a substantial number of pageviews and the opportunity to be more of a sticky resource.
Related content gets really powerful when you're able to target it within the same categories or tags, as these segments of content tend to be attractive to visitors who make it through related posts in the same content stack.

15. Leverage Internal Search

If you don't currently offer search functionality on your website or if you don't regularly review internal search analytics, then you're missing the boat. Web users have become so used to search that it is an easy behavioral pattern to accommodate and leverage for improved experience.
To take this a step further, you can use newer tools for crowdsourced FAQs to literally create a content roadmap for what matters most to your audience.

16. Open External Links in New Windows

This is an incredibly simple concept that is still often overlooked, but if you're going to link out to a resource on your website, make sure you have it open a new window instead of redirecting the user off your site.
The best (and easiest way) to do this is to simply add target="_blank" into the link’s <a> tag. So for example; <a href="http://example.com" target="_blank">anchor text</a>.

17. Prominently Display Your Search Box

This is a separate consideration from leverage internal search that has more to do with number 2 on this list; if you are going to offer helpful functionality like site search on your website, don’t make users have to search for your search box.

18. Offer a Helpful 404 Page

Nobody likes to think of instances where their website or pages may greet users with a 404 page, but these things happen.
The best thing you can do to turn a negative experience into a potentially positive one is a few things:
  • Use Google’s suggestive snippet for creating useful 404 pages. Visit the "Enhance 404 pages" section in Google Webmaster Tools, which allows you to generate a JavaScript snippet.
  • Add a search box and a link to the homepage
  • If nothing else, add a bit of design and humor.

19. Keep it Readable

This isn't a duplicate of number 3. In this consideration I'm talking specifically about your page’s Flesch-Kincaid score, or the level of difficulty for comprehension of your content.
There are two tests used to determine both the ease of reading and the average grade-level required for comprehension. Both of which have been baked into a very helpful index calculator.

20. Split Up Long Posts

People have shorter attention spans than ever before. So when they see long posts they are immediately reminded of times in high school trudging through massive texts of traditional English literature.
Consider instead splitting these up either into separate posts in a series or adding pagination to break up the content into smaller and more digestible chunks. This New York Times piece does a fantastic job (with an absolutely incredible story) of consolidating their story into chapters and breaking up a substantial and engaging experience across several views and interactions.

How Much Should You Spend on SEO Services?

Nearly every business today must decide how much to spend on search engine optimization (SEO). This isn't an if question. Robust online marketing is imperative for survival in a web-driven world.
The question every business professional must ask is, "How much will we spend on SEO?" Keep reading for all the information you'll need to make that decision, plus some helpful tips on how SEO agencies work so you can be successful as you forge a crucial partnership with an online marketing firm.

SEO Payment Models

To understand the dollars and cents discussed below, you must understand payment models used by agencies. SEO agencies typically offer four main forms of services and payment:
  • Monthly retainer: In this model, clients pay a set fee each month in exchange for an agreed-upon array of services. The monthly retainer is the most common payment model, because it provides the greatest ROI. Monthly retainer arrangements usually include regular analytics reports, on-site content improvements, press releases, link building,keyword research, and optimization.
  • Contract services at fixed prices: Nearly all SEO agencies sell contract services. Often, before a client is ready to engage a monthly retainer, they will select contract services that they want to have completed. The services that an SEO agency offers are often advertised on their site, along with a price. A typical example of this is an SEO website audit which can help determine existing strengths and weaknesses in the client’s online presence, competitive analysis, as well as keywords that have the highest potential to return positive ROI.
  • Project-based pricing: Project fees are similar to contract services with the exception that they are custom projects created specifically for a client. Pricing varies according to the project. For example, a local cupcake shop may ask an SEO agency to help them with theirlocal online marketing. The client decides that they want the agency to establish their social media accounts. The cupcake business and the SEO agency will decide on the scope and cost of the project.
  • Hourly consulting: This familiar consulting model is an hourly fee in exchange for services or information.
Most SEO agencies use all of these payment models. Likewise, clients may work with an agency using more than one model. For example, a client may choose to enter into a monthly retainer, purchase a contract service, and engage in a special project with the agency, thus entering into three of the payment models.

Typical SEO Costs

So, what should you expect to pay? Here's a survey of the range of the costs according to the payment models described above.
  • Monthly retainer: $750-5,000 per month. Within this range, the amount that a client pays depends on the size of their business and the extent of services provided by the agency. On the lower end of this spectrum are small SEO agencies that offer a limited range of services. On the upper range are businesses with greater needs working with full-service SEO agencies. Most businesses pay between $2,500 and $5,000 for a monthly retainer.
  • Contract services at fixed prices: price variable. Businesses that are just testing the waters in SEO usually choose a contract service as an entry point. Typical contract services include things like SEO copywriting ($0.15-$0.50/word), site content audit ($500-$7,500), link profile audit ($500-$7,500), and social media site setup ($500-$3,000).
  • Project-based pricing: price variable. Since there are a variety of projects, there is a wide range of prices. Most projects cost from $1,000 to $30,000.
  • Hourly consulting rate: $100-300/hr. SEO consultants, whether individuals or agencies, usually charge between $100 and $300 per hour.
(Some of these figures are taken from a 2011 SEOmoz survey of 500 consultants and agencies.)

Things You Should Be Suspicious of

Any discussion of SEO agencies and pricing isn't complete without a few warnings. To help you guard against indiscriminate SEO agencies with unethical business practices, read and heed. Be suspicious of the following promises:
  • Guarantees. SEO firms generally can't provide guarantees due to the constantly changing nature of the industry.
  • Instant results. True, some SEO tactics can get "instant results" by gaming the system. Be warned that these can hurt you in the long run. Instant results often involve SEO practices that are against webmaster guidelines put out by search engines. Invariably, Google seeks out these techniques and penalizes them, resulting in lost rankings that can take months to recover.
  • #1 spot on Google. If an agency promises you the number one spot on Google, it sounds great. Hopefully, you'll be able to get it. However, it's not something that a firm can promise to hand over to you.
  • Costs lower than $750/month. When it comes to SEO, you aren't shopping for the lowest price; you're seeking the best level of service. Be wary of rock bottom prices or "unbelievable deals."
  • Shady link building services. Link building is a crucial part of SEO. You can't have a highly-ranked site without inbound links. But there's a dark side of link building. Link trust is gaining importance to appear high in the rankings. Before you enter into an arrangement with an SEO agency for link building services, ensure that their link building services are ethical, white label services. You may even wish to ask them where they may be able to gain links for a business in your industry.

Things to Keep in Mind

As you begin shopping for SEO agencies and making your decision, be mindful of the following points:
  • SEO takes time. A monthly retainer is best. Think of SEO as a long-term investment. Aggressive campaigns and major pushes may have their place, but the most enduring SEO results come from a long-term relationship. In SEW's Mark Jackson wrote, "The real value of SEO efforts are, generally, not realized in the first month(s) of the effort." It's true. SEOs don't wave a magic wand and get instant results. Instead, they perform extensive operations that will produce results months down the road.
  • SEO changes, and your rankings will change, too. The field is full of competitors, and rankings rise and fall with the changing of algorithms and the entrance of new competitors. One-and-done SEO tricks simply don't work. It takes constant monitoring to keep your website ranking well and performing at top-notch levels.
  • Not all SEO services are created equal. Again, SEO isn't about shopping around for the lowest prices. It's about finding the finest agency you can. Look for an SEO agency that defines its scope of services, and takes the time to educate you.
  • SEO is important. Do it. The point of your website is to increase and/or improve your business. Unless people are finding your website, it's not even worth having one. The smart thing is to pay what it takes to keep your site findable by the people who are looking.
  • Hiring an SEO agency is best. You may be thinking, "Can't I just do this SEO thing on my own?" A tiny percentage of business owners or professionals have the skill and savvy to do their own SEO. Even so, comprehensive SEO takes way more time than most business owners can afford. Even an employee who "knows a lot about SEO," will be hard-pressed to deliver the level of services and excellence found in a SEO agency. You'll rarely come out on top if you try to go it alone, and you'll never get the same level of ROI that you would with a competent SEO agency.

You Decide

For most businesses today, SEO is the highest ROI marketing effort. The benefits it provides exceed the value of other marketing approaches – direct mailing, broadcast advertising, online ads, etc.
No longer do businesses decide whether they need SEO services. Instead, they decide how much they're going to spend. As long as they choose a quality SEO agency, their decision will lead to incredible amounts of revenue.
You can decide how much that's worth to you.

5 Social Media Predictions for 2014

One of my favorite things to do this time of year -- in addition to spending the holidays with friends and family -- is to look back on the year that was and also look ahead to what the New Year holds in store.
When it comes to the state of social media, the past year could be summed up in a few words: real-time marketing, content, video and mobile. In a space that's continuously changing and technology that's advancing quickly, it can be a challenge to know where you should be spending your social-media efforts.
Understanding what's ahead can help overcome these frustrations. Here are my top five predictions for where we're heading in social media in 2014:
1. Look for a shift toward visual storytelling through short-form video. 
On my Inside Social Media podcast, we talk a lot about telling the story of your business through social media. It started toward the end of this year, but a shift toward short, concise videos that tell a deeper story than pictures will only become more important in 2014.
Platforms like Twitter's Vine app and Instagram's 15-second video make it incredibly easy to create and share this short-form content so take the time to not only understand how to use these platforms but also how users consume content on them.
2. Businesses will embrace the 'fandom.' 
I hadn't heard much of this term before I had Tom Fishman, MTV's vice president of content marketing and fan engagement, on the podcast. Fandom is essentially the sub-culture of raving fans that exist within your overall customer base. These are the fans that are going to do a lot of your marketing for you, the ones who will promote your brand to other people.
In the New Year, I think businesses will make a bigger effort to identify and embrace the fandom. Connecting with and giving these fans the tools to help them spread the word about your business will go a long way.
3. Google+ will continue to grow in size and importance. 
Google said that Google+ now has 300 million monthly active users. To put this in perspective, Facebook and Twitter have about 1.2 billion and 232 million monthly active users respectively. Not only has Google+ become a popular social platform but its integration with Google search results and Google Authorship makes it a no-brainer in 2014.
This means that being active on Google+, even a little bit, should improve the search engine optimization (SEO) for your business. Google+ is only going to become more mainstream in the New Year.
4. There will be a bigger focus on context. 
We've all heard the cry that businesses need to focus on creating more content and that "content is king." And, for the most part, I think businesses have started to embrace content marketing. But for 2014, I think the need to put out more content will become less important, in favor of focusing on and creating content that's contextually relevant to the social channels you're using.
Brands should start asking themselves, "How are people using a particular social channel?" and "What makes a channel unique?" Then they will create contextually relevant content based on that insight.
5. More businesses will get into paid advertising.
I don't think it's a secret that your Facebook fans are seeing less and less of your content. The recent changes to Facebook's News Feed algorithm -- the one that decides what people see and don't see in their News Feed -- has further limited the reach of most organic posts.
With so many brands using Facebook to market their business, paid advertising will need to be a critical part of their social strategy if they want their content seen by more of their fans.
In addition, Twitter is beefing up its paid advertising options with products like the recently announced "tailored audiences." Look for more ad products from Twitter as it creates ways to make more money now that it's a public company. If you're serious about reaching your tribe on social platforms like Facebook and Twitter, paid ads will need to be part of your plan in 2014.

Thursday, 26 December 2013

How to Explode Your Traffic and Branding with Blog Commenting

Blog commenting is something that many of us do, but would you consider it a strong point of your online marketing and branding? There are many different ways that blog commenting can work for building traffic to your site and building your brand in the process, but too many comments are looking for a quick link and using short cut methods that end up hurting their brand rather than helping it.
I run a decent amount of large blogs, which means I get to manage a lot of blog comments. This isn’t something I enjoy doing, as I get to deal with a lot of spam and waste time weeding out the good ones from the bad… however it has taught me a lot along the way. On one of my larger sites, BloggingTips.com, I created a set of blog commenting guidelines for my readers to follow. These rules are made up of the following:
  • All comments must have a “real name” associated with the comment
  • Your avatar picture should be of a real person and not blank/placeholder
  • Comments need to provide value and not be a simple “nice post” message.
By setting guidelines you can expect better quality from the people who are already commenting on your site, while also potentially eliminating the ones that are wasting your time and doing drive-by spam comments as well.
shutterstock 96368474 637x424 How to Explode Your Traffic and Branding with Blog Commenting

The Benefits of Blog Commenting

When it comes to commenting on other blogs, there are many reasons why you should be doing this. Getting backlinks to your site, gaining exposure through your name and gravatar image, and also providing quality content are just three of the major benefits.
As beneficial as blog commenting might be, it is rare that you will find many top bloggers commenting on smaller blog posts. This usually isn’t because they don’t care, but instead of other obligations that take up most of their time.
One way that I have been able to relate with bloggers of all sizes is to make sure I take the time to comment on any blogs that mention my name or sites, in addition to responding to any interview requests that come my way as well. Yes, this does take up a lot of time, but it’s something I’ve always said that I would appreciate and act on.
This is especially appreciated by any new bloggers who are on the up and coming. It’s a thrill to see a big name commenting on your new baby, and it will be remembered for a long time coming.
Important note: I would definitely look at blog commenting from more of a “branding” concept versus trying to get new links and traffic to your sites. But if you are going to be focusing on blog commenting for traffic and links, be sure to follow those same guidelines I mentioned above and also provide unique, thoughtful comments that people will find value in. This will increase the chances of readers noticing  your comment and possibly clicking over to your site.

How to Find Great Blogs to Comment On

The next part of the process to exploding your traffic and branding through blog commenting is finding the right blogs to comment on. Obviously you are going to want to comment on blogs that are in your same niche, since this is the type of traffic you are going to want to bring back to your site.
The Technorati 100 is a great place to start and you can search through their site for blogs over a wide range of topics. I also recommend you take a look at my company’s list Brand 150, which is  made up of over 500 different blogs and uses a unique algorithm that ranks sites based on their social following and various site rankings.
No matter what reason you are leaving comments on blogs for, make sure you end up improving your online reputation versus destroying it.

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Matt Cutts Implies Google Is Aware Of SEOs Bribing Bloggers

On Friday night, Google’s head of search spam, Matt Cutts tweeted a link to a Gawker story named Shady Marketing Firms Are Still Quietly Bribing Bloggers. Matt said, “we’re taking action on hundreds of buyers, dozens of sites, & dozens of spammy writers,” in reference to that story.
It is hard to say if Google has taken action or is looking to take action in the near future against sites using this technique but it is clear, Google knows about it.
The technique is not about going to the site owner and selling links through the owner of the site. Instead, it is going directly to the reporter or blogger and getting them to “editorially” add links to sites without the site owner’s knowledge. It would be like one of you guys paying me to link to your site without the owner of this site knowing about that payment. You can read the dialog between the SEO who was doing the bribing and the blogger who outed them at Gawker.
Google’s Matt Cutts wrote they are “taking action on hundreds of buyers, dozens of sites, & dozens of spammy writers.” Now, this may be his way of frustrating spammers to break their spirits. Or it may be Google’s frequent manual actions on link sellers, buyers, networks and brokers.
Either way, when it comes to denying algorithm updates, Matt responded again saying“we try to avoid major algorithm updates near the holidays. But spamfighting always continues.”
This may imply that what webmasters saw on the 17th and 19th might be related to spamfighting efforts of Google?

Monday, 23 December 2013

The Progression of Anchor Text

Much like the SEO industry as a whole, strategies for anchor text are always changing. Make sure you are following anchor best text practices to maintain a natural looking backlink profile.
One of the most exciting things about being involved in the SEO industry is that it is always evolving. While the industry as a whole is always changing, so are the various individual parts that make up SEO. One aspect of SEO that has seen dramatic alterations over the years is anchor text strategy. As Google continues to update its search algorithm to create the most accurate SERPs possible, it is equally important that you update your anchor text strategy to ensure your site shows up in those SERPs.

Importance of Anchor Text

As mentioned above, it is important to utilize the correct anchor text strategy for your links. In some regards, the anchor text you use is just as significant to your link as the site it is published on. Not only will anchor text help determine the value of your links, but it will also shape how your backlink portfolio looks to Google. If you aren’t staying on top of anchor text best practices, the links you build could appear unnatural to Google and result in your site being penalized. Let’s take a look at how anchor text has progressed over time and discuss some anchor text best practices that you can utilize today.

Early Forms of Anchor Text

In the early stages of linking, most sites would simply link with an exact match URL as the anchor text. For example, a link to Biznology may look like this – www.biznology.com . This quickly changed with the emergence of Google as the value of links grew tremendously. People began to realize that they could game the system by flooding the web with links back to their site that used exact match anchor text for the keywords they wanted to rank for. However, as it does with most spam, Google came up with updates to their algorithm that punished sites using this tactic. Most notably, the Penguin update heavily penalized sites with large percentages of exact match anchor text and formed the strategies people use today.

Current Anchor Text Best Practices

Due to updates like Penguin, it has become clear what types of anchor text strategies should be pursued and which should be avoided. Exact match anchor text should be used sparingly and should only make up a small percentage of your backlink portfolio.

The rest of your portfolio should consist of a combination of things. Two common anchor text strategies involve branded anchor text (i.e. Biznology.com) and partial-match or long-tailed anchor text. Partial-match and long-tailed anchor text include a partial phrase or portion of the keyword or term you are trying to rank for rather than the exact term.

The use of “white noise” anchor text is another option that will help round out your backlink portfolio. White noise anchor text refers to links that have the anchor text “click here” or “his/her website” and are usually used around keywords or phrases in close proximity. These are the anchor text best practices that you should be employing so you can build a natural backlink profile that won’t get you penalized by Google.
The progression of anchor text is something that has developed and changed over a number of years. As Google continues to perfect their algorithm, anchor text strategy will no doubt continue to change. However, for now it is important to adhere to anchor text best practices to get the most out of your links and ensure you don’t appear to be gaming the system.